Toxic relationships__meaning and their impact on us

A toxic relationship is an attempt to exploit one of the parties to the relationship, the other party, for 
personal interests, and it is also highly harmful to the person being exploited.

Toxic relationships__meaning and their impact on us

A person, by nature, goes through many experiences, some of which are in his interest, and some of them are bad and harmful to him, and the toxic relationship is one of them, so that it harms you in a way that is desirable on your part. In this article, we will know everything about it and methods of prevention as well.


We will know more about what a toxic relationship means specifically, a normal relationship that is based most of the time on mutual love between the two parties, and it is wonderful in that you have a partner who has common things between you and you love to talk to each other.
As for what we call a toxic relationship, it is the complete opposite of a normal relationship, as it is based on exploitation, hatred, and a lack of interest in the other party. The victim is under the influence of the exploiter's magic in order to control the victim as he wants.

Why does he want to be in a toxic relationship? Whoever has a lack of himself in an emotional aspect tries to compensate for it in an unstable relationship, which in turn turns into a toxic relationship.


Which makes a person weak in his life, weak in his decisions and weak in his experiences (this
 statement applies to those who have gone through the relationship or those who are currently in it). The toxic relationship is what causes this, and the victim remains under the guise of the exploiter.
Nothing called freedom of decisions will lead you astray because all your life decisions, no matter how important or unimportant they are, will be centered under the control of the exploiting party in the relationship. You can decide, but you want everything to remain under his control because he knows what is best for you. This is what you think, but it is the opposite. His decision will be all to take advantage of you.

The pain that you will receive from the exploiting party in the relationship will be great, and you will lose confidence in yourself a lot, and you will always be exploited by someone for his own interests without exchanging enough love for you.

What if you are in a toxic relationship?

If you are now in a toxic relationship and you know that the other party is taking advantage of you and  you do not know what to do to get out of this pain, well follow what i say.

The only solution is to congratulate everything you started with the other party and not tolerating it, try to get away from it in a way that he does not notice, because you know that if you continue with him, you will be exposed to more pain that will affect you for a long time. Trying to get rid of this toxic relationship on your own will not It is strong enough, so try to help other people with that. In the end, the aura of the exploiting party will bring you back and make you weak, so get people from outside your relationship to help you get out of this hell.
Never give up. In the end, the other party in the relationship will try to do everything to stay in this toxic relationship. It will hurt you, but be sure that you will get out of all this only if you leave your fear and loneliness behind because the world does not revolve around it.

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