social anxiety disorder__How can you treat it?

 Social anxiety disorder is a lack of dealing with people within society, due to either fear of the reaction coming from people, or it is a problem related to the affected person’s childhood, which makes him more withdrawn on himself.

social anxiety disorder__How can you treat it

Our fear of confronting people and communicating with them is not good, so that without engaging with society we do not know our true identity, we do not know our full capabilities in life because in the end you cannot pass everything on your own, without the help of others you cannot accomplish many things in Life, so social anxiety that you are in, you have to get rid of it, and with the help of this article, you will know how to get rid of this fear of yours.

The cause of social anxiety

 There are few causes, as social anxiety results from a bad memory at one moment that makes the rest of life have the same effect as the bad memory.
I will simplify the idea for you. In fact, at a moment in your life, you were not afraid to get to know people and communicate with them, but because some people dealt with you or the way some people mocked you made you create the idea that all people will deal with you in the same way, and therefore we see that most cases Social anxiety disorder is common among those between the ages of 14 and 20 years, because at this age they are in their first experiences with real life.

It is fear that will deter you from the opportunity to communicate with people in your community because of your fear of repeating that bad memory again, and believe me, your fear of not repeating that bad memory leads to exposure to more such moments. Fear makes you isolated from society and from life in general.

 social anxiety disorder treatments

Because it is a psychological disorder that cannot be treated with medications such as antidepressants and the like, but rather it affects negatively.
Its treatment is by knowing that the world is not only made up of people who hurt you only, and you must know that you are not the only person who suffers from social anxiety disorder, but there are many people you know who are also infected, but their condition is like yours, they hide all this through smiles and fake expressions. You can do activities other than what you are currently in, things you love. This helps you to reduce the psychological load on you, which makes you able to integrate more with people in those activities so that you see in the end that there are things in common between you and them, so you must do what you love with it Whether interactive, sports, or even mental activities, as it gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with people outside the scope of your community in which you live.
This is the only way to treat social anxiety disorder is to try new things outside your community, and do not forget that these activities must be real and not virtual (on the phone or computer). We will know the effect of virtual activities in the following paragraph. You may have already tried new activities But you cannot communicate with the people around you, and this is because of the fear deep inside you that will prevent you, but you must not listen to it and take risks. Let go of your fear and be brave, because in the end you will know that there are many people who look like you and want to get to know you, so you will not have a chance to recover if you do not beat your fear, and you will beat it by taking the risk of meeting new people, and thus you will bury the social anxiety that was the cause of your sadness.

Today's social anxiety

The cases of social anxiety disorder increased at the beginning of the 21st century, and this is due to the large number of virtual communication sites in our time, which prevents us from actually knowing people and not knowing them much.

You should know that no matter what happens, real life cannot be similar to virtual life, and social networking sites have become a fake solution to our loneliness, so that we convince ourselves with the number of followers we have on Instagram and the number of views on the latest video on Tik Tok. It may have a material benefit, but it crushes you from the inside, while You notice that you do not have a real friend.
I am not against development and modernity, but for those who suffer from social anxiety, virtual means do not help you to reduce their loneliness, but rather make it worse. Therefore, they must practice real activities that make them know their great value. There may be someone who admires you, and you also admire her, but your fear prevents you. Try to break your fear.

Knowing what people really prefer is no longer available like the past, despite the large number of dating applications we have, that we see many people without friends in reality.
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