Social media addiction__5 signs that you are addicted

  social media addiction is the excessive use of communication sites and the attempt to do harmful things for the sake of some interaction and material benefits

We will explain in our article today about social media addiction and how to know that you are addicted or not, and by knowing this, it will make it easier for you to get rid of this addiction and use the social media properly and without any problems.

Social media addiction__5 signs that you are addicted

5 signs that you are addicted to social media

  1. Total separation from reality and lack of harmony with people in your real life.
  2. Increasing your internet usage hours for more than 12 hours per day, whether consecutive or separate.
  3. Lack of real communication with people close to you, such as work friends, classmates, and family members.
  4. Taking people's opinions on social media seriously and trying to satisfy them without knowing them in real life.
  5. Wasting a lot of time on social media on things that do not benefit you, such as browsing Tik Tok and Instagram (I mean short clips here).
I will now explain to you about each one of them.


Total separation from reality and lack of harmony with people in your real life

The addiction of communication sites makes us disconnected from our reality and our daily life to a large extent because it is not like our life, we see communication sites as an easy escape to get rid of our painful reality in which we live, and when I say our painful reality, I mean by it: our failure to achieve our ambition, the insults we receive from people we do not like, Convincing ourselves that we live in happiness and other painful experiences.
The world of communication sites is wide and very large, in which you can meet many people who are similar to you in certain characteristics, and you like that and see it suitable for you, but it remains on the communication sites and is not real. Now you can talk with a chatbot for long hours and it praises you more than anyone else, but it It remains not human like us. Human feelings are a very complicated and beautiful thing if you know it, but your attempt to separate from your reality and society for the sake of communication is a very bad thing that affects your mental health and makes you suffer from social anxiety disorder as a result of not communicating with anyone at all.

Increasing your internet usage hours for more than 12 hours per day, whether consecutive or separate

social media try to keep us as long as possible in their applications, and thus we spend a lot of time on them, which leads to reducing our other activities such as studying, sports, and communicating with others.
Time, if you do not notice it, goes quickly, and your time also goes quickly, so try to use it for useful things. Spending a lot of time on social media is not a good thing, especially if your hours of use are more than 12 hours a day. If you use the Internet more than these hours, then you are addicted to websites. Communication, and its solution will be to reduce the hours of use from 12 to 9, and gradually try to reduce it to four or three hours a day, because it is the right time to use the social media.

Lack of real communication with people close to you, such as work friends, classmates, and family members

Communication sites always distract us from real people (even if you don't have anyone in your life, try to find someone in real life and not online) in our lives, such as family, work colleagues, and our friends.
Once you spend long hours on communication sites, you will not give importance to your relationships with people in the real life that you live in, and this is not good at all. It is important to maintain your relationship with the society in which you live and to be a little social in order to know how to live your life properly.
Our family relationships are the most important relationships that we have. If we have a family, it must be preserved, and you must maintain constant contact with your family.

Taking people's opinions on social media seriously and trying to satisfy them without knowing them in real life

Most of the people on the social media we do not know them well, but despite that we stand by them and support them without knowing the reason, the reason is our feeling of emptiness inside us and as we said previously, the communication sites are a quick escape for our problems in life, some people take advantage of this emptiness that is in us and convince you They are the ones who will save you from your constant suffering in the form of financial fraud.
The suffering that we face in our lives will not be ended by social media, and will make it worse by making us addicted to communication sites. The right solution is to allocate time for ourselves and try to understand ourselves that is inside us and understand that life is a lot of problems. Whenever you finish one, another comes, and this is the meaning of life.

Wasting a lot of time on social media on things that do no benefit you, such as browsing Tik Tok and Instagram (short clips)

I personally have animosity against short clips on Tik Tok and Instagram (short clips are available on other sites, but I chose them because they are the most interactive).
One of the modern causes of social media addiction is the short clips that you waste a lot of time on daily, whatever the content is, and in most cases the content is not useful, if it does not benefit you and wastes your time as well, so why do you watch it. I think it is out of entertainment and fun, but when you enter To one clip, and you have specified that you will stay for only half an hour. You see that you have spent more than three hours on those short clips that Tik Tok and Instagram publish.
Therefore, you should limit watching content that does not benefit you. Try to find a goal on social media and benefit from it.
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