My Mental Health__The Resulting Problems and Treatment

 Mental health is the person’s psychological state that affects a person’s decisions according to his psychological state. Is he happy or sad, is he satisfied or not satisfied with all these things that are controlled by the psychological state in which the person is. The psychological state differs from one person to another from place to Another and it is an important matter for the custody of it, our interest in our psychological health contributes to making sound and conscious decisions and contributes to better communication with people and also contributes to our relationship with our family.

Mental health is very important so that we must protect it from any deception or negative feelings because our mental health is no less important than our physical health, as you care about your physical health, so you must also pay attention to your psychological health.

My Mental Health__The Resulting Problems and Treatment


In the event that our mental health is not good, this leads to many psychological problems such as disorders and lack of focus and affects physical health as well. Our mental health may not always be ideal because we are exposed at any moment, especially in our time when our mental health has become more vulnerable so that Anything like your boss reprimanding you, finding out that your girlfriend is cheating on you, or even realizing that you are lonely and have no friends. All of these factors affect your mental health in a very negative way. In a conversation with someone about something, and you don't even agree to talk to yourself either, because you feel confused and immersed in a deep darkness that no one can find you there, as if you disappeared from this world, you feel like this in yourself because your mental health is not well.

Every person has a certain limit of a good psychological state, and each person has a certain limit of wisdom with which he can balance his own mental health, and of course the older you get, the more you can control your mental health, and the age most at risk of mental health problems are adolescents, they are in The parent is in a state of incomprehension, and on top of that, their health is at risk from any behavior, and the protection wall from their mental health problems is incomplete, which makes them vulnerable to danger, and thus the teenager is vulnerable to many problems such as social anxiety disorder, permanent tension, and also isolation more.

Our mental health is exposed to a lot of danger, such as social anxiety disorder that accompanies us in the first quarter of life, and if it is not treated, it may continue until a long life. People exploit us emotionally and financially, and in the end they harm us horribly, and this is also one of the causes of damage to mental health. We also have a Toxic relationships, which is also a big problem for our mental health. Living in a toxic environment among toxic people who only want to harm us is also harmful to our mental health. Significantly.

Factors that greatly affect our mental health:

  • Toxic relationships with people who want to hurt us
  • Doing a lot of work beyond your power.
  • Try to please all the people you want to please.
  • Living in an environment that does not support your abilities and does not give them importance.
  • To be in a work environment that you do not like.
  • Not setting plans and goals to strive to achieve in the future.

Protecting our mental health

Protecting our mental health is very important in order for us to know how to live, how to work, and how to continue our lives without problems.
The psychological state you are in now, whether it is bad or normal, you will benefit from the following part of the paragraph. If your mental health is at risk, I will offer you solutions to treat it, and if your psychological state is normal, you will know how to protect it with time.
To protect our mental health, we must ask ourselves in the first place, what is our problem, what is the problem that we suffer from, you have to know what the problem is precisely based on the previous paragraph, and once you know the problem, its solution will be easy. I will divide the solutions into three sections: social solutions, personal solutions, and functional solutions.
1 Problems related to people and society: Your mental health crisis may be related to people, that you are with people you do not feel comfortable with, no matter if they are friends, colleagues at work, or relatives in the family. Finally, you will know how, people you do not feel comfortable talking to and feel as if their conversation with you contains a kind of sarcasm, these people you must abandon them immediately until you know that they no longer pose a danger to your psyche. Here, you either have to adapt to the community and accept their actions towards you, or if the situation is happening at a high degree of danger, you have to abandon the entire community and find another place that suits you other than this.
2 Problems related to your personality: The causes of the problem may be in your personality itself and not in people. You may be the one who causes this danger to yourself. Dissatisfaction with yourself and evaluating yourself with others is also one of the causes of the problem, as you do not love yourself and want to change it. You do not know how you feel that you are inferior to others and you want to change yourself, but this thing is not true. You want to change yourself radically and not the bad qualities of you. The remedy for this problem is to love yourself as it is and not change it except for the better. Try to be convinced of yourself as it is.
3 Functional problems: If your problem is not of the previous two types, then your problem is functional, doing many things without meaning or purpose.
We do a lot of different things every day, most of which are important and most of them are of no importance, and when things are unimportant, many things are of importance here. We have a state of dissatisfaction. I do not know how) or, for example, to buy very specific types of different commodities, and also like to come two hours before the appointment. Why all these things that take effort and energy from you, and perhaps the orders may be from an external party, but whatever it is, do not do actions that you know that they are not Useful and a waste of your abilities.
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