Dealing with Being Alone__more than just Feel

Being alone means that there is no one who understands or accepts you to be with, being alone without your absence poses a threat to your mental health and causes diseases as well.

Dealing with loneliness is not medicine or drugs, but rather its treatment is that changing something in your life is for you to do so.

Dealing with Being Alone__more than just Feel

Sometimes we need time to be with ourselves only, so that we clear our thoughts and become less tense. We need to move away from our relationships sometimes in order to focus on ourselves, plan our lives properly, and be alone some of the time. There is no problem with that because we meet the one we love once. Then everything goes back to the way it was, here you have chosen to be alone for some time. The decision to be alone was in your hands and it was in your favor because it was a positive decision for Kez

If the decision to be alone was not in your hands, but rather it was forced upon you, then here loneliness becomes unhealthy for us, and it negatively affects us to feel lonely even though you do not want it.

It is difficult and difficult to deal with easily, whether you feel lonely in a relationship or in your daily life, we will know why we feel lonely in the first place and how to overcome loneliness.

Why we Feel Alone

We feel lonely as a result of the lack of something that we can relate to and belong to. Our feeling of loneliness is the result of our existence in a social environment that does not suit us because our ideas are not similar to the ideas of the society in which we live, or I should say that our way of thinking does not suit the society in which we live.

Our feeling of loneliness as a result of the lack of a common denominator between us and the people we deal with on a daily basis, there are no similar ideas between us and them, and no matter how much you are in a relationship, whether it is a family, an emotional or a love relationship, in the field of work, with your friends, whatever the same framework, if not If you and the other party have any common things, you will feel lonely, and the other party will abandon you (as you think).

Your feeling of loneliness is embodied in not communicating with anyone at all and your isolation from the real world and you do not want to get to know anyone. Your feeling of loneliness generates the idea that you do not belong to this world and you feel that you are not welcome in any family event or school parties and so on. This idea will remain in your mind forever if you do not find a solution to your loneliness and isolation.

The loneliness that you suffer from is because of your fear of facing your society because you think that no one is like you and you see yourself as distinguished among them, and this is wrong behavior because you develop social anxiety disorder, and its cause is fear and anxiety about society, and as a result of you you become alone in your room and Read my article to get out of this isolation.

You will know over time that you were wrong and that there are many people who are similar to you in their favorite ideas and activities. 

Some bad tendencies to be alone

Loneliness, as we said, is a feeling that there is no one who resembles us in ideas and similar personalities that we can get along with, and loneliness also leads to behaviors in life that we do not desire.
Here are four of these behaviors:
1 I do all this for what: When we are in a state of extreme loneliness and there is no one to tell about our feelings to, life becomes meaningless and there is no specific goal to work on in our life, so we become neglected towards work or study and lose passion in everything we love in life.

2 It's because of them, not me: When we become lost in our loneliness and feel the poverty of ourselves, and then if we ask ourselves whether this is because of me or people, you will blame others for that and put all the blame on them for what you are in now, and that blame will generate great contempt For people you will despise the whole world and blame it for what they did to you.

3 I do not need anyone: here you have some narcissism (if you have not been infected with it before) telling yourself that you do not need anyone's support and that you can overcome all the problems of life on your own without anyone's help, you are very arrogant in this loneliness and do not You never want to get out of it and you think that you are better (wrong thinking).

4 Take, you will forget your loneliness: when you are miserable to a great degree and you do not know what to do, you will try to get out of your loneliness by doing things that harm your mental and physical health, such as joining an addicted society. They try to forget the pain with alcohol and drugs. They are also the same as you, but they chose To stay in the dark, do not try to join these things and focus with me on how to deal with loneliness in a healthy and proper way.

Dealing with Being Alone

Dealing with being alone is at the beginning. Before recovery, you must know what stage of isolation and depression you are in. Try to realize that you are not in a healthy state. To overcome being alone, you must first throw the past behind you and start a new beginning with new relationships with people. Be convinced that in the past you were in the dark and isolated from the world and you will deal with being alone in a healthy way. You have to overcome your social anxiety that you have.

Get to know new friends and spend most of the time with them (how to get friends) Be more interactive with people and smile sometimes, get to know friends at school, work, and the residential area in which you are. Do not be shy and do not be afraid of someone refusing to be your friend. Loneliness in a day or two, but it requires courage and patience from you in order to continue to restore your life to the right course.
Improve your relationship with your family and do not cut off contact with them. Always be in touch with family news and visit them if possible.

Do not try to open up to the world through your phone, but rather in real life, because Social Media make you more miserable, be more present in your real life
Do not be afraid of anything, show your personality and do not be afraid of anything.
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