Depression__Symptoms and treatment(Why make us sad)

Depression is one of the most common conditions for patients with mental health, so that at the present time we have become more prone to depression despite what we have the causes of happiness.

Depression is the result of internal fatigue, deep psychological fatigue as a result of a psychological trauma that we have been exposed to recently, and symptoms of depression begin to appear on us directly from lethargy, fatigue, and physical and psychological exhaustion.

Depression__Symptoms and treatment(Why make us sad)

We are at the present time a victim of depression more than ever before because of the large number of social media sites and our psychological insecurity, and the lack of a specific thing to live for, which makes us depressed.

Symptoms of depression 

Symptoms of depression are many, but I will limit myself to the basic symptoms that can appear in everyone without exception.
A common symptom of depression is a lack of desire to do something, which leads to a decline in the performance of daily activities that we normally do. Lack of desire manifests itself in the simplest things, such as not participating with others in real life in normal activities and not being able to stick to a particular goal.
There is also an attempt not to communicate with anyone in real life, as one of the symptoms of depression is poor social skills. If you are a social person who likes to communicate with others and get along with them, and you suddenly see yourself one day antisocial and do not want to communicate with anyone again Even the people close to you, you are in front of the first symptoms of depression.
One of the symptoms of depression is also your asking yourself what is my benefit in life and why I exist in the first place: to be subjected to all this suffering that I do not deserve.

You try to stay away from people, to distance yourself from all your relationships with others, and to go into isolation and introversion, trying to get rid of this pain, which may in the end be an insult, betrayal, or psychological insecurity.
Other symptoms of depression appear, such as physical fatigue, body lethargy, the need to sleep for 24 hours a day, and random emotions such as sudden anger or crying constantly, but I explained to you the reasons that most affect us.

Some common symptoms of depression:

  • Trying to isolate from society.
  • Not communicating with family and friends.
  • Wanting to be alone in his room without doing activities.
  • The need to sleep for long hours.
  • Passionate about favorite hobbies.
  • Increase in weight.

 causes of depression

The cause of depression is one, but there are many ways that lead to it, betrayal or Breakup in a relationship, social anxiety, or bullying by people.

You may be in a relationship that lasted for a year and a half, and the harmony and understanding between you and the other party is good, and you love each other (your life at this moment is very beautiful and you want to keep it like this), but one day you discover that the person you loved betrayed you and left you, so you become You are here in a state of shock and uncertainty. The pain of Breakup has plunged you into a state of deep depression because of the betrayal you have experienced.
This is what I can call post-separation depression, because the Breakup was not in your hand, but rather it was betrayal and you are its victim. Depression here will be painful for you, and you will suffer from it until you recover.

Continuous harassment and bullying of you also creates depression when you are in a society where they constantly harass and abuse you, these feelings turn into depression directly and this matter gets worse even more. Bullying and harassment because of a defect in you, whether it is formal or psychological, so you are constantly harassed makes your mind confused and you do not return Focus on your life as before, and you just want to get rid of those harassments, and try to isolate yourself in the hope that you will not be harassed again, and try not to communicate with new people for your fear that they may bully you as well.

Your isolation from society and from people in general leads to depression. Whenever you try to isolate yourself from society, your family, and your friends, this harms your mental health and makes you less experienced in life.

The solution is not to isolate yourself, because in the end you are the son of this society and a human being in your origin. No matter how hard you try, you will get along with others, but when you are depressed and try to get along, you are looking for a community that will be a solution to your problems. It may be in the form of a group or a person, but it will not be healthy and will harm you. It is very similar to smoking, abuse, and other fast-acting painkillers.

Overcome depression

After we explained the symptoms and causes of depression, we will now know how to treat and overcome depression.
Overcoming depression requires patience, strength, and help (in case you are depressed). You need all of these in order to overcome depression, because getting rid of depression is difficult and takes time to recover from it permanently.

To overcome depression, you have to know that you are in a bad and unhealthy psychological state for you, and you need treatment immediately, and you must convince yourself that you will overcome depression no matter what happens. If your relationship with your family is bad, try to restore it to you as it was before, try to talk to them and Tell them about the difficult time you have been going through recently and that you need their support to recover from depression and you should know that they are there to help you.

Find out the reason that caused you to become depressed, and after you know the reason, forget it and start a new beginning, and do not let that bad memory blind you from all life experiences. Be aware that you have to overcome depression and that isolating yourself is not the solution to your problems related to your family, society or your life.
You must face it directly without fear of anything. It is not easy to go through all this, but in the end, this is what it means to live your life.

Try to engage in new activities with new people who feel that you are similar to them in good things, discover your talents and know what is your passion in life and do not see life as gray, make new friends and know that not everyone will bother you, but there are many people who understand you.
We are the ones who control our mental health, and we are also the ones who control depression by controlling us or overcoming it, so let your choice be to overcome it.
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