teenage depression__Anxiety and fear of society

Teenager depression is that state in which the teenager is worried about society because he is in his first experiences with life, which causes him tension when dealing with others, and because of that, the teenager has a kind of depression at first, but with time if he continues like this and remains worried about himself in front of Society will turn this anxiety into a real depression that exposes his life to many problems.

teenage depression__Anxiety and fear of society

We also know that depression in general is the result of pressures in daily life, which makes us in a bad condition, as it makes our mental health at great risk.

As for the teenager, he is one of the first victims of depression in the time scale. When a person begins to comprehend life and know what is wrong from right, then he is more aware of his life and is no longer a child, as in the case of the teenager who begins to absorb life greatly and knows that Life is not what he thought it would be, and it becomes difficult for him to cope with all this.

As a result of family instability, social anxiety, or mental health instability due to circumstances he went through, and other pressures that the teenager is going through during this period of his life, when these problems develop and become unsuitable for a solution, the teenager is in a state of depression.

social anxiety 

Social anxiety is one of the most common causes of depression in Teenager. As we said, the teenager is in his first experiences with life, so that he faces many responsibilities and also faces many requirements by parents who want to discover the superhero from their children, and by that I mean that they ask them for things that are beyond their capabilities.
Of course, the teenager is without life experiences, and when he discovers life and realizes that he does not belong here and that there is no one who understands him or his thoughts in this society, then the teenager’s idea of society becomes that society is to blame for that, and he no longer tries to harmonize with society and Here he becomes alone with himself.
The teenager has constant social anxiety because of his lack of affiliation with him, and this social anxiety is the reason why the teenager does not communicate with the members of the society in which he is, and the social anxiety becomes worse if the society is the one who hates the teenager and his ideas, because here the teenager is not exposed to social anxiety only, but to hate From society too and you lead to depression more quickly.
Although the teenager shows indifference and strength, he is very sensitive and needs someone to take care of him and needs attention (because he wants the previous attention he received in childhood).

Some reasons for teenage loneliness

The teenager in our time has become more lonely than before, the reasons are many, but the most important of them is the spread of social media sites and their impact on us, because in the past there were no great estimates of the person and he did not need to change his way of speaking, his clothes, or even his name from one person to another. Something natural and there was no artificiality.
The teenager in our time has become difficult for him to please others with his personality only, but he also has to follow them and like their pictures until they are satisfied with him, and the opportunity for the teenager to find someone who understands him for free can be difficult or even impossible.
The teenager became lonely after realizing that there is no one like him or he has common ideas with anyone, which led to his despising the whole world and not just the society in which he lives.

Overcoming teenage depression

Overcoming depression is very simple and at the same time difficult because it depends on the courage of the Teenager who wants to get rid of the depression he is in.
The key to overcoming depression is to do the opposite of what depression did to you, and this will require great courage from you to do so, because you must also overcome your fear towards people, and you must realize that you will not get rid of depression except by overcoming your fear and taking risks.
Try to engage in new activities with new people who feel that you are similar to them in good things, discover your talents and know what is your passion in life and do not see life as gray, make new friends and know that not everyone will bother you, but there are many people who understand you.
We are the ones who control our mental health, and we are also the ones who control depression by controlling us or overcoming it, so let your choice be to overcome it.
In the end, the teenager is not to blame because the world does not understand him and that he is distinguished among all the people he knows, and because this does not make the teenager an argument that he does not try to fix the problem himself, but rather he must solve it, whether it is depression, social anxiety or fear that he must It is to act towards it because it is our responsibility.
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