impact of social media__Does it harm our mental health

Social media in our time constitutes a large part of our daily life and we also accomplish our work with it, and it is very useful, but does it have any negative effect on us. Let us know. 

Communication sites are the means by which we communicate with people more widely and get to know new people, and this, of course, is its first job.

impact of social media__Does it harm our mental health

But in many cases, social media may be harmful to us, as they lead us in several programs that are not among what we wanted. Today, we have become very restricted to Social media, so that we cannot leave our phones for an hour. We want to know who has sent us a message and Whoever posted a new picture, we no longer make space for ourselves like before, we no longer give our brains a chance to be alone and think a little.

You will know what is the relationship of Social media with our way of thinking, and so on. Now, in the past, when a person thought, he had only two points of view, a personal view and a social one. to the community in which he lives.

When he was making a decision, he would take into account his social self and his psychological self only, and he would build decisions according to that, and let us give you an example:

You want to accompany someone as a friend or lover, whatever it is, you will think...

1) Will my company with this person comfort me psychologically, will he be with me in difficult times, and will he be loyal to me?

2) Is this person socially acceptable, and if I am with him, will this not be contrary to the society in which I am, and will he also make me social with him? for you.

Of course, there are cases in which you either do not care about your psychological self, such as accompanying him only for the sake of his social status, and the benefit is often material, in which you do not care about your psychological self because he will not be very close to you, but you will need his social status. Or you do not care about himself. Social wants it only for the sake of certain things that you want for yourself, not society, and it is in the form of desires and desires, such as love and addiction to certain things.

Thus, we knew how a person thought about making his decisions in the past, and he relied in them on his psychological self and his social self, and that was the normal way of life at that time, but now some things have changed, but I must say that some things have been added.

Nowadays, we have a person who decides according to his psychological self, his social self, and his virtual self. We have a third self here. The virtual self is our activity on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. The deeper we go into Social media, the stronger the influence of the virtual self on our decisions. And our thoughts, and our hypothetical selves enter into our life decisions as follows:

You want to accompany someone as a friend or lover, whatever it is, you will think...

Does this person have a great page on Facebook, does he have a large number of followers on Instagram, is he interactive or not on your posts, and in general, you will know more things about him, more information, and this will leave you in a spiral of why and not (in the past, you did not have to worry about him Hypothetically, that gives you a huge amount of decisions that can be right or wrong).

The bad impact of social media on us

Its negative impact on us begins when the virtual self is the only one that controls your decisions, so that it is based only on the hypothetical situation and does not touch reality with anything.

What is the negative impact of communication sites? Its negative effect is when we make the person's condition on the Social media the same as his condition in reality, whether his condition is good or bad.

Knowing that this person has written in his hobbies box that he plays tennis does not make him a tennis player in fact, and here is the crucial point, not everything on social media is real. Real life they are not. No matter how much you try to collect enough information, you will not reach the full truth.
Social media, when you enter them, do not force you to your real name, but rather you can impersonate any name you want, or even from which country you are, what is your gender, and what is your age. They give you an opportunity to change all this as you like and do it for you in a way that suits your personality.
It also gives you the opportunity to express yourself completely freely, and I personally consider absolute freedom in all its forms a lie because if you are free without any obstacles, you will lose your passion and purpose in life. I always strive to generate new passion. And Social media kill this passion and make it In the form of a like or a sycophantic comment.

Tips for using social media correctly

  • Try as much as possible to use the communication sites in things that benefit you morally and professionally.
  • Try to use social media only 4 a day.
  • Do not try to get to know someone through communication sites, if possible, try to talk to him and know his personality directly.
  • Do not enter into quarrels on the Internet so that you do not offend anyone.
  • Try doing mental relaxation activities after using social media.
  • Don't judge anyone just by their style on social media.
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