How to be more Social__5 Tips To make you more attractive

To be social and popular among the world is something that not many can do, you need social skills and previous experiences to be known and have a wide reputation.

And we have gathered here all the social experiences and various methods to become social and have prestige among the community.

How to be more Social__5  Tips To make you more attractive

The tips that will be mentioned are all tested and proven to have a great impact on people and make them happy quickly and neatly.

5 tips for be social

 1 Give people what they want

In society, one person differs from another, and each one has his own opinion and adheres to it strongly, and when his opinion is attacked by others, he becomes aggressive and defends his opinion with all strength and persistence, thinking that he is doing the right thing.

Be the one who takes advantage of this point, man is naturally attracted to the person who understands his opinion and accepts it. Be the one who accepts and contains it (whether you do not prefer this person, you have to do this to gain his trust).

Be with the most powerful group, make your opinion like them and make them a source of belonging to you.

You will feel very comfortable when you have a source of belonging to you. You will have more support and more control over people.

2 Be more mysterious, not isolated

People like to discover people's personalities and they love mystery a lot (especially women). Do not make your personality too superficial so that all your actions are known. Do not tell much about your plans and projects that you have planned.

Your behavior is what determines the strength of your personality, and that your personality is ambiguous is one of the most important of them, so that you are not open with all people and tell them what they want.

And at the same time, don't be so isolated that people think you're weird. In social dialogues, try to talk about your intuitive views that people like to hear from you being an active person in your community.

3 Be contradictory, not confused

In normal conversations when you express your views or talk in general, when you are contradictory, it is difficult for people to interpret your personality because you do not support a certain idea that you think of forever.

Also, your discourse in speech makes your conversation with people more interesting and they do not feel bored by talking to you, because they do not expect anything from your speech that you will say.

To be contradictory in your whole life is wrong. You must walk on a certain path to have a goal to live for, but to be contradictory in front of people and in social dialogues is a must in order not to become boring.

4 Always show your good intentions

In a world full of appearances and lies, you must protect yourself from any coup against you by society, and they must not hold you to something bad that harms society and the public interest.

And to protect yourself from such problems, you must always show the community your good intentions to change and develop for the better, and convince them of the best for the public interest (be like an angel).

You may see that something is far from your true personality, but when you see the consequences, you will immediately change your mind. The consequences are very serious, from exile from society and discontent with your social value as an active member of it.

Your initial background is what will determine people's judgment of you in the future, so always make your background based on goodness, giving and integrity in order to be social.

5 Be confident in yourself, society does not have mercy on the weak

One of the most important signs of social strength and power for many personalities is self-confidence.

Self-confidence is the strongest factor of strength, so be more confident in yourself and never see people as your weakness because they will not value you if you are weak in your society.

When you have self-confidence, your speech to people becomes more realistic and persuasive, and they are also very convinced of your words. People in general have a lack of self-confidence and want someone who has more self-confidence than them to make him the one who leads them and who guides them. Self-confidence is one of the most important factors in social skills, which if you master it, you will be social and popular among people greatly.

Everything mentioned in the article is a collection of a lot of information from self-development books and psychology books and does not express the author's opinion, and these social skills are considered the most effective in our time.

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