Social anxiety treatment__It's your fault not society's

Social anxiety is a disorder caused by a lack of communication with society and the fear of getting to know someone, and this is due to a lack of knowledge and personal insecurity.

Social anxiety treatment is your choice if you want to treat and overcome social anxiety or want to remain socially anxious.

It is your fault because you allowed social anxiety to expand and inflate in your personality greatly, your mistake here is not to face social anxiety with courage and put an end to it.

Social anxiety treatment__It's your fault not society's

To overcome social anxiety and get rid of it once and for all, you must first know your social anxiety.

Social anxiety manifests itself in most people in our lives, some may not show it, but rest assured that you are not the only one who suffers from social anxiety.

Social anxiety is that you do not participate in social dialogues and integrate with the people around you appropriately, so if you suffer from social anxiety disorder, then you actually suffer from a problem in communicating and prolonging the conversation with them.

It also affects the strength of his personality, as every person with social anxiety has a weak personality (get hard if u wanna learn), the personality of the person with social anxiety is fragile and sensitive to criticism and harassment by others, and this fear of communicating with people is because they may hurt his feelings or harass him. This is the reason behind the formation of social anxiety.

When you are honest with yourself and think a little about what is the cause of your social anxiety, if you are honest, you will know the answer, which may be either previous harassment by someone, or your unwillingness to meet people yet, or your fear of people's reaction towards you, either rejection or abuse, or your lack of trust in people again.

You also have to know whether you prefer social anxiety or do you want to treat it. You must be frank about this if you prefer to be alone and be isolated from society. It is your decision. If you want to overcome social anxiety and meet new people in your life and get to know more people who you see may benefit you emotionally or financially, you have to treat social anxiety.

Also, being social may be in most cases exceptional experiences that occur with the person and make him very social, and the other cases are due to inheritance from the father or mother, one of them may be your father or mother very social and you may inherit this characteristic from them and become better or less than them in this, and with regard to exceptional experiences it does not happen with everyone because it is due to a deep purpose that makes you want to treat social anxiety and to be social.

Social anxiety treatment

To treat social anxiety you have to do the opposite, I mean you have to do the opposite of everything you do when you are socially anxious.

When you are less nervous about people's reaction, you will have overcome social anxiety easily. Not all people are the ones who have caused you social anxiety, but there are those who can help you and extend a helping hand.

You have to do new things in your life and not stay in your room all day. Be more interactive with the real world and not on social media. Be brave and go to events and parties where you can look for a friend with whom you can talk about: the weather, work, the economy, future projects. Try to be useful in the society in which you are by providing assistance and showing your best qualities to everyone.

Be more in touch with your close distant family, if possible, communicate in the real world and not via phones because it will strengthen the relationship more. The family is the beginning in understanding society and gaining initial social skills from parents.

Stay away from frustrated and introverted people who drag you into loneliness, because you want to change your life and you don't want to be anxious again. 

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