How to Get friends__Stop Be Alone

Making friends is considered one of the most important things in order to live a healthy social life, and having friends helps you overcome your loneliness, which increases your experience in life and makes you happier.

Getting friends is easy for many young people, as they have bonds of friendship from childhood, but there is a category of people who did not have the opportunity to form friendship from childhood, or that his friends abandoned him and he does not know how to get new friends.

How to Get freinds__Stop Be Alone

What prevents us from making new friends?

There are not many reasons to prevent us from having new friends, it is because of the shyness and social anxiety that we all suffer from.

Shyness and fear of getting to know new people make us without friends throughout our lives. This fear and anxiety results from our lack of experience in communicating with people and fear of rejection by them. If you are one of the shy people who cannot express their feelings properly and face A problem with the number of friends you have, which is non-existent, you must realize that this shyness and fear will not benefit you at all, and you will go astray without friends if you do not overcome your fear of communicating with people.

As we said earlier, what prevents us from getting new friends was because of fear and shyness to communicate with new people, and there are also other reasons is social anxiety, which is also a reason for not getting new friends, social anxiety is what makes us isolated from the environment that surrounds us And not to communicate with anyone from the society in which we are, and this is because of our fear of rejection or lack of harmony with them.

What is stopping us from making new friends in 2023

Cases of loneliness increased at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and one of the common reasons is the abundance of virtual social media in our time, which effectively prevents us from knowing people and not knowing them much.

You should know that whatever happens, real life cannot be similar to virtual life, and social networking sites have become an imaginary solution to our loneliness, until we convince ourselves of the number of followers we have on Instagram and the number of views on the latest video on Tik Tok. It may have a material benefit, but it crushes you from the inside, while you notice that you do not have a true friend.

I am not against development and modernity, but for those who want to have new friends, virtual means do not help them reduce their loneliness, but rather make it worse. Therefore, they must engage in real activities that will make them know their great value. There may be someone who really wants to be your friend, but your fear is holding you back. Try to break your fear.

How to Get freinds

Having friends is always your choice. If you want to make friends with people, you will do whatever it takes. But if you are happy with yourself, this does not mean that you have to have friends in order to be more popular, more successful, or even richer. You have Many great people were without friends in their early life, such as: Elon Musk in his prime, Albert Einstein,Friedrich Nietzsche.

My point of saying is that the number of friends you have is not a measure of fame, wealth, etc., the ultimate mission of friends is to help us and ease us in difficult times and to listen to our problems.

Having a friend is in breaking the shyness that controls us and getting to know people more. The fear that prevents us from getting to know people is social insecurity.

Social insecurity is caused by harassment or bullying by members of the community in which you live, which leads to a reduction in your circle of relationships and a reduction in the number of friends you have. You should know that not all members of society are bullies, but there are those who want you to be their friend as well.

Be more in harmony with society and people in your work area and in social events, and you yourself search for places to find friends to spend time with.

Do not stay at home alone for a long time, as this will make you feel more lonely. Try to go out sometimes to places where there are different people who look like you in different hobbies and activities.

You will get used to it with time, be more open to the world and let them know your personality. Do not make social shyness a wall that prevents you from having friends. Be braver. 

How to Get Freinds at New School

Finding new friends in a new school is a big challenge for us, as you are completely without friends and the task of making new friends becomes difficult for you because you do not know anyone in the school yet.

The first thing you do is to get to know the students in a way that allows you to get to know them without regretting at the end. Study their behavior and try to find out who among them is closest to your way of thinking and you like it. Talk to him about common topics that you both prefer, and if you do not have common topics, try to find out what he prefers and open a conversation with him on those topics.
To do all this you have to be as brave as possible and be very confident in yourself so as not to panic, take part in the conversations that you both prefer and love and be calm because everything will be fine.

Once you get to know the person you got to know, be more in contact with him and show him real trust without fear, and once you become his friend, there will be new classmates for you, and you will know that you have common themes with everyone (I mean, be serious, not an angel from heaven, you will know You are like everyone in the end), you will have more than one friend in the end and you will be able to control the number of friends you want, you will be free to choose the friends you want.
Getting new friends is easy, if you know how to apply what I said above, you must let go of your fear and realize that loneliness is not a good option.

Well, now I will write the steps in order:
  1. Find out who you want to be your friend
  2. Find common themes between you
  3. Start talking to him about those common topics
  4. Gain the trust of the person you want to be your friend
  5. Increase contact with him at school and after school (games hall, parties, different activities)
  6. Congratulations, you get new freind
And then you can, in the same way, gain other friends and control the number of friends you have.
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