Know your Mental Health Problems__The most widespread

We all have mental health problems, some of which pose a danger to us and require immediate treatment, and some of which we can get rid of by following healthy activities to get rid of them.

Mental health problems are considered more harmful than health problems that relate to the body only, while mental health problems affect your psyche and your body as well.

As for treatment, it is also more difficult than physical treatment because it is often not treated with medication. Mental health problems need experts in the field of mental health and psychology, and treatment takes place through many sessions and treatment methods differ according to the problem that he suffers from in his mental health. Because every mental health problem depends on certain behaviors to be treated by specialists.

Every person has a certain limit of a good psychological state, and each person has a certain limit of wisdom with which he can balance his own mental health, and of course the older you get, the more you can control your mental health, and the age most at risk of mental health problems are adolescents, they are in The parent is in a state of incomprehension, and on top of that, their health is at risk from any behavior, and the protection wall from their mental health problems is incomplete, which makes them vulnerable to danger, and thus the teenager is vulnerable to many problems such as social anxiety disorder, permanent tension, and also isolation more.

Know your Mental Health Problems__The most widespread

Causes of mental health problems

The causes are many, including a disorder in childhood or irregular mental strength in a person with mental health problems.

The conditions that a person is exposed to daily, from waking up to the end of the day. Small things may change a person’s personality, such as a morning greeting to your neighbor, an insult to your boss, or disagreements between you and your loved one. All of these things may cause a change in a person’s psychological state, and when health becomes Psychological unstable and exposed to mental health problems.

The accumulation of sadness, weakness, and disappointment can change a lot of people. Perhaps you have been betrayed in a relationship, so you are trying to take revenge on every person you are in a relationship with in the future.

You have been embarrassed in the midst of people in your community, and this has led to a reduction in your going to social gatherings, and after a while you no longer communicate with people, so you have social anxiety.

We cannot be sure who is the culprit here, man or life, because both of them were one reason for another in exposure to mental health problems, but the most important thing is if you see yourself suffering from a problem in your mental health, do not hesitate to contact the author and consult a psychologist.

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The most important mental health problems

The most important mental health problems

Mental health problems are those that affect your mental and physical health together. There is no main reason for mental health problems that can be genetic or intentional, such as exposure to a moment in your life that affected your mental health and made you suffer from it.

1 Depression and lack of desire:

Among the mental health problems, the most important of which is depression and the general desire to accomplish something. As we said, the important mental health problems have a deep impact on the self. Depression comes after your mental health has been exposed to danger and has received a painful blow.

Depression affects our relationship with people because it makes us lose the desire to communicate with someone and become more isolated with ourselves without trying to get out of depression. 

2 Social anxiety and loneliness:

One of the mental health problems is our fear of confronting people in society and daily life.Social anxiety disorder affects the way we understand people in our lives, as we imagine that we will not be acceptable to them and that they will never be satisfied with us.

The anxiety resulting from our fear of society is what causes social anxiety disorder, which is considered a mental health problem. Unlike depression, social anxiety is not very deep, as it can be overcome by getting to know the people closest to your personality.

3 The arrogant, narcissistic personality:

Narcissistic personality disorder is also considered one of the mental health problems, the narcissistic personality is difficult to deal with and is considered a self-obsessed personality and has great self-confidence to the point of exaggeration.

Knowing the narcissistic personality in our lives is difficult and it takes a lot of time to discover that he is a narcissistic personality.

The narcissistic personality can be treated by making him respect the opinion of others and exchange interest in his social relationships. The narcissist is a special case that needs patience in order to recover.

4 The toxic personality does not have feelings:

We may encounter many people in our lives with many masks who know how to charm us in relationships and life.

They are toxic people who derive their strength from hurting people and causing them great pain. Toxic people have no reason to do so, but they are also on the list of mental health problems.

The harm of toxic people in emotional relationships is great, toxic relationships expose us to a lot of pain and we need time to fully recover.

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