shyness__Treat this serious problem

shyness is a fear that prevents us from communicating well with others

Shyness is expressed as an essential thing at the beginning of our lives, and it is formed because we have lost our experience in something, and it becomes a big problem if shyness affects our life and work.

All of us are shy about some things in our lives and this is natural, because without shyness we will not know our limits in relationships and daily life. Collective shyness and shyness in relationships and shyness in general has a negative effect on us. Shyness does not give us the opportunity to express everything we want to We say that, therefore, your personality may not be clear in a way that allows people to approach you, and this is because of shyness.

shyness__Treat this serious problem

Where does shyness come from?

As we said, shyness is a natural thing that is born with us and is not something acquired. In the early stages of our lives, between 3 to 8 years, when we begin to recognize things and people around us, there is nothing to prevent us from that. Exploration and recognition is a natural thing in childhood and it is a must. For the child to grow up without mental health problems.

Parents' adherence to the behavior of the child at that age affects him negatively because he will have little experience in social life among members of his generation. The extreme care by parents that their son be in the best behavior, this concern leads the child to the opposite, as he will be in adolescence he will be shy and He suffers from social anxiety disorder caused by shyness and fear of society.

The frying of experiences in real life in childhood and even adolescence leads to problems in our independent lives that we build. Problems such as lack of understanding with the husband, how to establish friendships, or how to become interactive with social life.

The disturbance of the relationship between the child and his parents affects his mental health and leads him to many crises, in both cases, whether you raised your son excessively or if you did not raise your son at all, they are linked in a specific thing, which is the disturbance of the son’s relationship with his parents. Shyness is also One of the problems resulting from this family disorder is when your parents do not encourage you to get to know people and do not encourage you to build your self-confidence. These things you learn in childhood, not when you are thirty.

Shyness in everyday life

Shyness accompanies us in our daily lives and continues, affecting our decisions to pass this street or evade some people. Believe me, social shyness leads you to places you do not know in the city.
Shyness in our daily lives is in dialogues and conversations between colleagues, as you do not participate in conversations a lot for fear that someone will offend you because of your speaking, and of course your thinking is wrong. You can impose your control over others if you strengthen your will and courage. To be in it and love to participate, but your shyness prevents you from that.
Being shy leads you to loneliness because you will have a few friends who understand you well, and deal with being alone by breaking the shyness inside you and starting to meet new people in a new way that you will know.

Shyness and social anxiety

The cause of social anxiety disorder is social anxiety, which is a fear of communicating with people, and he suffers from social anxiety disorder most of the time with a few friends and does not try to make new friends.
Social anxiety badly affects our relationships with people because they are few and unknown because of our shyness to show our true personality to the society in which we live. Social anxiety does not allow us to discover new things in our lives and learn more.
When social anxiety extends and becomes more in your personality, you will openly shirk from people and you will not care about your social status, which has become out of nowhere. Trying to escape from meeting people is bad because in the end you are a human being and a social being by nature, and escaping and hiding from them will not help you. people and your family.

Shyness in relationships

The effect of shyness extends to relationships as well and makes them unclear because there is nothing explicit and real. Relationships are more sensitive than other primitive methods of communication because relationships are between two people and with the passage of time trust is established between them and they understand each other, because you are one of the parties to the relationship Shy and afraid to show his feelings, it will affect him and the relationship.
Dealing with a relationship in which a shy person is difficult because it will be difficult for them to be frank with you (unless they see you as trustworthy) and it will remain the responsibility of the other party to the relationship to gain the confidence of the shy person and help him overcome his own shyness, and here there will be A goal of the relationship and it will last for a longer period. (Every relationship must have a meaning and a dream that must be achieved in order for the relationship to continue well)

Shyness treatment

The treatment of shyness is completely opposite, shyness is a fear that prevents us from communicating with others well, and for this reason its treatment will be courage and risk in getting to know new people, which generates great social energy for us.
Being brave and taking risks is not a characteristic of all people, and it is difficult for many to master it, but we will learn things to overcome shyness only.

In order to treat your shyness, first you have to tell people or at least one person if you suffer from excessive shyness. Tell someone about your hobbies, the things you like and the things you hate, and you will notice that it is very easy to express your personality with people. Try to use facial expressions such as smiling, muttering, etc. When you communicate with people, they will prefer you because you are a good listener and understand their feelings.

Secondly, try to participate in group dialogues and discussions with co-workers, classmates, and family members. Be more attracted to dialogues of this kind and discuss your point of view on matters related to your field of work or hobby. Your participation will benefit you. You will benefit from the participating people by being your friends or To create potential job opportunities with them.

Third, you have to know that nothing will happen from the previous two steps if you do not overcome
 your shyness, which is your fear of communicating with people. You have to be brave above all in order to be social and have true friendships. Take risks and do not be afraid if you stumble once, nothing will change. But if you succeed once, your whole life will change.

We are the ones who control our mental health, and we are also the ones who control shyness by controlling or overcoming it, so let it be your choice to treat it.
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