Mental Help__How can I Help myself

Mental Help is provided by a specialist in mental health problems. He treats you in many ways, including hypnosis, digging up memories, talking about your personality, are you satisfied with it, and so on. These are methods that the specialist uses to treat the mental health problem.

But sometimes you may not have an option to go to a psychologist and explain your psychological problem, and for this you need to know how to help yourself for your mental health.

Mental Help__How can I Help myself

You can help yourself psychologically in many ways, including making a plan and arrangements for treating yourself.

The self-help that you will provide for yourself will have the same effect as the psychologist, if you know how to apply the methods in the article. Everyone has his own way of understanding his personality and analyzing it properly, and we cannot say that there is one way to treat all mental health problems (as many psychiatrists do in our time).

It is a simple matter because you are trying to help yourself and not anyone else. When you help yourself, you know everything deep and superficial about it. Some psychologists may not study the patient’s personality correctly, which leads to an error in the way he is treated, but you can study the problem accurately and know what is the correct treatment for it.

Here you will only know the method, but you will master it in your own way. You are the one who will control the decision to help yourself or not.

Know the mental problem 

Knowing the mental problem does not depend on one method, because each person differs from the other in personality, and it is impossible to say that if you have one of the following symptoms, then you have a mental problem.
Mental Help is one of its first steps to know what the problem you are suffering from, and in order to properly identify the problem.

First: You may be suffering from a temporary crisis that will go away with time. The mental problem is long-lasting and does not go away within two weeks or a month.
You have to know that you are suffering from a mental problem or that it is just a damn headache, and to find out, I will put some signs of mental problems:
  1. Sleep disturbance and waking up tired.
  2. Irregular eating and a great speed in digesting food.
  3. Mood disorder and emotional over trivial things.
  4. Lack of focus and neglect of daily activities such as: study and work.
  5. Resorting to smoking and drugs to alleviate the mental problem.

These were some of the basic signs of the difference between the mental problem and the normal problems that occur daily in our lives, so you should know the following: Do I have a mental problem or is it just a simple accident that I exaggerate. Be more accurate in your answer in order to know how to overcome it in the future.

Second: When you realized that you have a real mental problem according to the signs you have read, and that it is not a kind of normal problem, but rather a mental problem, you have to know now what kind of mental problem you suffer from. Mental problems are psychological or pathological, and in our article we will talk about the psychological problem that you can help yourself with without medical intervention, while the pathological problem requires medical intervention necessary to treat it, because the treatment of the pathological psychological problem is through surgery in the brain or medicines that are given to the patient.

As for the psychological mental problem, you can treat it yourself without medical intervention (of course here, I note that if the mental problem you suffer from is such as: depression, medical intervention must be done immediately for a speedy recovery).
You have to know if you suffer from a mental or psychological problem, if the problem is psychological, you will be able to solve it easily by following the relevant methods.

Third: If you complete the previous two steps, you must make treatment of the mental problem and Mental Help one of your first concerns that you must focus on continuously.
If you know that you have a mental problem and you did not treat it yourself and you always postponed it, then the problem will grow and get worse with the days. At the first notice of the problem, you act and help yourself by yourself, and if you see that the matter is beneficial, do not visit a therapist, be your own psychologist.

Mental Help Way

Treating the mental problem yourself is what this article aims at. The method of treatment is in the form of certain steps and behaviors that you must adhere to in order to overcome the mental problem that you suffer from.

You have to do the treatment methods correctly and understand that you can help yourself correctly. The treatment methods will consist of two  behaviors and two results for it. You can use any method according to your understanding of it and the method of applying it. Each method is independent of the other. Using any method can lead to the treatment of the mental problem. Follow me to the end and you will know the method better.

1 Make all your actions wrong

When you have a mental problem, it will affect your life, decisions and everything, and to overcome the mental problem you have to convince yourself that everything you have done was wrong and that everything you are doing now is wrong to make your mind change the way you think in which you are.

Trying to completely change the way you think is difficult for many, but when the mental problem affects your life badly, you will be forced to change. You can start changing your personal decisions at the beginning. Do it in stages that do not burden yourself too much. Start changing your decisions and then change the way you communicate with people and so on.

Result: When you realize that you are behaving wrongly in your life and want to change it, think that everything you did previously that led to the mental problem was wrong and that you are now in a new phase, and the result will be that you have overcome your mental problem and started a new beginning.

2 Engage with people

If you suffer from a social problem such as social anxiety disorder or phobia of communicating with people and other fears of interacting with people, this paragraph will serve as your remedy.
Most mental problems are caused by fear of society and shyness to communicate with them, which over time leads to a mental problem.

You have to communicate more with people who you see accept you well, and if you do not have anyone to communicate with, read (dealing with being alone). Being more connected with people and the world around you leads to alleviating your pain and your feeling of loneliness in which you are.
Communicate with your friends, family, colleagues at work, and all the people you see who accept you without conditions.

Start at the beginning by communicating with one person and complaining about your pain to him and relieving yourself of the weight of this mental problem.
Result: The result is increased communication with people for you well, since you suffer from a mental problem related to social anxiety and you want to treat it.
Be more in harmony with others and do not be shy and afraid.

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