failure to success


the failure:

Above all, we must know that failure is relative and not standard as many think. We learn from our failure later in life, and the great part of our lack of acceptance of failure comes from our educational system and parents who make strict judgments on idealism and diligence. And then  Come those flags that display great success cases and that reaching that greatness is easy and accessible to everyone and leads to the opposite, making us more frustrated and miserable than before. We cannot be successful in things if we are not prepared to fail either. The problem is choosing values.  So if buying a car or a house is your measure of the value of success, and if you apply this value and work for twenty years and buy both the car and the house, then the value of (success) becomes useless to you, and this is called the midlife crisis that we know if the wrong value was the cause.  If you chose to have honest relationships with your family and friends and to live a simple life with your loved one as a measure of the value of success, your life would have been much better. I will talk about the issue of correct values ​​in an upcoming topic.

Pain is part of acceptance:

In the 1950s, psychologist Kazimir Dabrowski conducted a study on a number of World War II survivors and how they lived with the horrific experiences of war that occurred in Poland. They suffered from starvation, starvation, disease and torture.  The experiences they suffered during the war period made them better, more responsible and happier people as well. Dabrowski concluded that fear, anxiety and sadness are not necessarily unhelpful mental states, but rather pain is often needed for psychological growth and self-development, not denying that pain.  Is there a denial of our own ability. There is no shortcut to success. You will fail over and over again until you reach your goal. Your role is to accept this failure and the pain resulting from it

Perhaps you have just come out of the most important challenge in your life and you are confused and confused because everything you thought was true was saying the opposite.  The player Michael Jordan said (my success was the result of accepting my repeated failures)

Failure is the way to success:

We said in the above that accepting your failure is important.  Ask ten people their definition of a successful person and you will receive ten different answers.  The problem with a successful person is that it is a comprehensive and choppy description.  For this reason, I advise you not to look for the paths or principles of successful people, and instead focus on creating your own habits and principles, which include your success in any field.  Successful people everywhere have such successful characteristics as: perseverance, innovation, creativity, dedication to mission, vision, and belief.  Anyone who possesses or adopts these characteristics can succeed.  You may find it difficult at first.  due to the lack of experience that exists) but you will learn if you are honest with yourself.  In fact, no one believed success had laws until 1928 when Napoleon Heck published his book The Laws of Success.  Here are some of them

1Having a vision and self-confidence that removes any obstacle that hinders you  

2The ability to think long-term And see opportunities that most people do not see 

3Act quickly and harshly because being late for a step makes the opportunity pass to another competitor

 4the ability to save and financially prepare for any new opportunity

 5the ability to lead and form the right team   Discipline and control of situations 

 These were good qualities tips successful, but if you are honest with yourself and honest with those around you and you have a spirit to accept life's problems and accept your failure, then this means that you are successful in your life.

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