How to suppress anger

Glimpse of anger :

I refer to the inner dissatisfaction we feel when we believe that others have threatened us, taken advantage of us, or abused us in some way. In addition to our sense of retaliation, it is this feeling that prepares us to respond to the insult of those who have wronged us and those who have wronged us.  One perspective, to live is to be angry. From the moment we are born, everyone is encroaching on our interests, and since life (in its most primitive and private form) is a competitive struggle for territorial sovereignty and survival, we constantly feel attacked or infringed. We are also irritated by impersonal matters.  We are angry at people and institutions because they treat others unfairly or pillage nature, whether intentionally or unintentionally.  If you lose control of your anger, or if you intentionally let it out, it could ruin your relationship, your good job, or your life in a broader sense.

Useful anger: 

First (very important) anger is not considered a mistake because a mistake is a bad choice but we do not have the choice in feeling angry and no one has to teach us how to get angry.  And revenge, okay. Secondly, the anger we are dealing with, which occurs between people, is not considered a mistake, because it stems mainly from our innate sense of what is right.  Our societies conform to their standards of self-protection, and this feeling is buried inside our lives alongside our gender, size, and eye color characteristics. They make us scream and say this is wrong or this is injustice.  They annoy us and the distress we feel as a result of their abuse is natural and cannot in itself be considered wrong. While we may be frightened by anger in general because of its immediacy and severity, it is important to know that anger is not only a natural and universal feeling, but may be useful in  Most of the time, everyone has  You can see that anger results in peace and social stability, and anger contributes to repairing and restoring our relationships and understanding them more accurately. In the end, we cannot call anger a mistake.

anger management:

 Do you think that controlling your anger is good and protects you from the breakdown of any relationship, loss of a job, or someone’s love  We pretend that dignity and beautiful relationships require that everything we feel inside and what we say to others matches, so trying to suppress our anger makes us feel that we are not honest with ourselves and with others as well (I talked about this in a previous article:perfectionism). 

Trying to control our anger makes us fake people: When a friend gets angry with us and we don't express anger, it kills this friendship, and if your boss promotes those who are younger than you and better looking than you, and you try to bury your anger, it will increase to the extent that you begin to hate both your boss and the job that was always  I enjoyed it (in these cases you should express your anger naturally). 

It does not change or free us from our desire for revenge: revenge, no matter how we try to bury it, it does not stay buried and does not die if left alone while it is buried it drains our mental energy and poisons  Our good living and distracts us from moving on the path of  Then, sooner or later, it will form in the full force that you first felt, and will also cause physical harm to us, as you try to bury it and get rid of it instead of trying to accept and understand it in a healthy and healthy way.

Expressing anger the right way: 

I said in the previous article that controlling anger is a mistake, but what do we do to express our anger towards those who offended us? Well, here are four ways to express anger:

 Acknowledge and accept your anger when it arises:

 When your inner alarm goes off, whether it makes a slight sound of annoyance or a loud sound of intense anger, it tells you that you are angry.  Listen to him, listen to the sounds he makes inside you, the hair with the heat he produces, then step back and look at yourself in the mirror and say a sentence like this to yourself: Really!  I'm so hot because of it, and whether he loves him or not, I'm reallyangry! And that indicates me! Take it!

Take time to rein in yourself:

 Sudden anger interferes with the mind's ability to perceive things and act intelligently. If you feel a whirlpool in your head, a turbulence in your gut, do the old counting exercise, rest for a minute, take a long, deep breath, and as you exhale, count slowly to yourself (one, two, three).  , four) So that you can feel calm, if you find that you are still in danger, and you have thoughts of revenge, say to yourself: Stop!  Stop these thoughts before they take over you, by rejecting them at once, and you will not only be surprised by how easily you control your mood but also how easy it is to express your anger in a constructive way.  How many numbers you'll need to count, and less time you'll need to express your anger, but that's the point, there's no need to rush you, its main purpose is to understand and control your vengeful feelings rather than letting them control you

Express honestly to those who have offended you: 

When others offend you, losing your calm with them deprives them of the opportunity to respond to your anger and it also does not lead to dispelling your feelings of revenge or repairing your relationship, but on the contrary, if you do not directly address your anger with those who offended you  Repressing your anger will only lead to more feelings of hatred and revenge. In order to express your anger to those who offended you, it is appropriate for you to find the right moment and the right place to be alone with them and tell them about the reason for your anger.

Tell those who angered you what you want from them:

here  Your strong character skills call for as long as you're specific about their abuse, your feelings of anger, and why you feel it. Tell those who pissed you off in a positive way about what you want them to do differently or what you want them to stop doing to you. Perhaps the first thing you want them to do is apologize. No  Your goal in apologizing could be to humiliate them or make yourself feel empowered. The right goal is to get them to respect their failure and make them take on the task of making a change.  They don't know what  Abeer well. Whether they apologize or not, your main goal is to tell them frankly and in a confident tone of voice how you want them to treat you in the future.

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