How you become mature


If you ask a few people how to become mature, they will answer you by focusing on the job interviews you apply to, managing your finances, taking care of your personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the place where these are useful and motivate us to take responsibility, but they do not make you mature but rather prevent you from being a child. Most of the people who do these things because they proceed from the qualities are just means in order to reach the result of the outward itself.

Commercial values ​​of maturity: 

For example, current values ​​on deals and trade-offs (here we refer to teenage values) create relationships based on manipulation and you want to convince someone to make you like that means they don't like you, it means that they don't respect you, either, The meaning of the name (the causes of happiness for duration) is impossible.The most valuable and important things in life are not subject to commercial deals. Maturity is the realization that sometimes a principle can be true regardless of its consequences. Even if honesty causes you pain or causes others pain, being honest is the right thing.

Stages of Mature Development:

 In order to know how to become mature, we must know what the pre-maturity stages are and. 

first Childhood: When we are young children, we learn how to transcend the values ​​of pleasure and pain (this thing is good and this thing is bad) by pursuing these two values ​​and seeing How can both of them give us a negative and positive result when we do not overcome them except by living the pain resulting from their failure (I love to eat sweets daily), but this will anger my mother, and suddenly the idea of ​​the sweet that was before (the good thing) becomes a matter that needs to reconsider And taking into account many factors, I love sweets and I love my mother, but taking sweets angers my mother, so what should I do? In the end, the child is forced to be convinced that there are bargains and bargains that must be learned. Learning this lesson after one becomes old is a very painful thing to receive The senior has social sanctions on the part of his co-workers and his society more broadly because he has not yet understood the lesson.

 Second Adolescence: Coming out into the world of adolescence requires a degree of confidence. The child must trust that his behavior will have foreseeable consequences. I previously explained the values ​​of adolescence in the previous paragraph that depend Too much on the barter (to speak this a way of gaining approval from others) and the values ​​of adolescence in the end have nothing to do with maturity. People remain stuck in their teenage values ​​for similar reasons that make them stuck in childhood values: Trauma and neglect The victims of bullying are particularly clear examples. A person who was bullied in his early teenage years will enter the world with a false understanding that no one can respect or love him without Conditions. You must act a certain way, you must dress a certain way, and you must speak a certain way. When a person with a teenage mind grows up, he will judge the world assuming that all human relationships are made up of endless business deals. And let's not forget here that there is in our society Lots of kids in their twenties and teens in their thirties.

Achieving maturity: 

to make that leap into a world of maturity based on true values ​​and virtues needs more than the ability to bear pain, that is, it needs courage so that one can abandon the values ​​of childhood and adolescence together and abandon the desire for things to be Better and happier. To act and act without conditions (I do not mean by that material conditions, but the conditions of the self, and this particular point, if you accept it, you will reach maturity) is difficult. If you love a person and know that he may not love you in return, but you love him anyway. To trust someone even though you realize that you can lose, and this is the essence of maturity to do it without bartering and being responsible for your actions gives quite a bit of psychological freedom. Mature behaviors are seen as admirable. The manager is Who bears the mistakes of his employees, the mother is the one who gives up her happiness for the sake of her children, and the friend is the one who tells you what to say even if what he said hurts you. These are all mature people you have.

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