Live a better life with better values

 What are values:

 Values ​​lie under everything we are and everything we do. If what we consider valuable is not useful and we choose what we consider success (as it is clear to most of us that they consider success as raising money) or failure, everything is built On those values ​​(daily thoughts, emotions and feelings) they will all fall. Everything we think and feel about something comes back in the end to the amount of value we find in that thing. Most people have a frightening inability to answer the questions (why (This is a correct answer and this is what prevents them from communicating to a deeper knowledge of their values. They will certainly say that honesty and true friendship are important values, but they soon lie when they talk about you behind your back so that their feelings about themselves improve. People may see that they They feel lonely and when they ask themselves why they are so, they are more inclined to find a way to blame others that they are all bad and no one understands them. Thus, they avoid facing their problems rather than looking for a solution to them. In this case, it starts from work at the shallow level It fulfills by trying to make people feel good about themselves in the short term, while real problems remain unresolved. People's feelings and thoughts may change, but the deep values ​​and standards by which these values ​​can be valued remain the same and this is not real progress. It is a method Others just to get quick and easy solutions. Honest questioning of oneself is very difficult and requires you to ask yourself questions that you don't feel comfortable answering, and the probability that those answers are real and honest increases the more uncomfortable the questions are.

 Values ​​that are useless: 

There is a set of values The rumor that creates really bad problems for people. I will show you three values ​​that you should avoid:

 1 Pleasure: It is a wonderful thing but a very bad value if you prioritize your life according to it. Ask a drug addict about his pursuit of pleasure and ask a woman about her pursuit of pleasure and what is right harm to her children. Studies show that people who focus their energy on superficial pleasures are more miserable and depressed.

 2. Always being right: Since we are human, we are wrong in many cases. you will find p Difficulty explaining the reasons behind all your mistakes. The truth is that those who create their value on the basis of being always right, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to learn and develop (if you do not accept your failure, it means that you are a person who is always right).

3 Material success: Many people measure their value Depending on how much money they have in their account or on the type of car they have. However, studies show that the correlation between happiness and material success approaches zero after a person is able to provide for his basic material needs (food, housing, etc.). When you put The value of material success takes precedence over other values ​​such as being honest, peaceful, and loving. When people measure themselves by status symbols, they are shallow and stupid as well. 

Good values ​​and bad values:

 Good values ​​are: 1) Reality-based 2) Socially constructive 3) Changeable. 

Bad values ​​are: 1) superstitious and imaginary 2) socially destructive 3) unchangeable. 

Honesty is a good value because it is something that can be changed and controlled and because it is beneficial to others. On the other hand, popularity and fame are not good value. To reach internally healthy values, it is important Be to live values ​​such as humility and nasal creativity at this moment. All you have to do is direct your mind in a certain direction so that you live these values ​​are tunable and make you relate to the world as it is not as you want it. As for bad values, they are usually dependent on external events such as flying in a private plane. Having a house on a tropical island and the best food while nude dancers writh around you. It is true that bad values ​​give you a measure of joy, but they are outside your control and often require destructive means to achieve them.

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