How to make use of the subconscious mind


Your subconscious mind has great power. It inspires you, guides you, and reveals names and facts. Your subconscious mind never sleeps or rests. It always performs its work tasks at any time. You can discover the power of your subconscious mind by telling it clearly before going to sleep (you might think here is strange, but When you are half asleep, you are controlled by your unconscious powers, which in turn is the subconscious mind (immediately that you want to accomplish a specific and specific thing, and you will be pleased when you discover that your latent powers within you will be released to lead you to the desired result. Your subconscious mind is the source of ideal thoughts and aspirations and An incentive to make others happy. Whatever thoughts and principles affect your subconscious mind, you must know that you will try and practice all those thoughts that you have adopted in your real life. The best way to awaken the mighty power of your subconscious mind is by letting go of the conscious (logical) mind. And to swim in your imagination and this needs a state of deep meditation and relaxation and avoiding all other thoughts.

 Achieving wealth with your subconscious mind:

 If you suffer from financial difficulties and if you are striving to achieve your goals, it means that you have not convinced your subconscious that you will have Lots of effort and spare time You know many people who do not work many hours in a week and yet earn a huge amount of money without making an effort. Wealth is simply persuading a well-established individual with the ability of his subconscious mind to achieve things. I have something while there is another person whose mind is filled with thoughts of wealth and prosperity making money and thus this second person becomes rich thanks to the implantation of the idea of ​​wealth in his subconscious. Failure, frustration and fear will be my answer to you. Of course, you will not achieve the wealth you hope for. Keep all these thoughts away from your subconscious mind and place in front of you the million dollar check that awaits you at the end of the month. In the end, your subconscious mind never runs out of ideas. Just consolidate the idea that You want it and you will achieve all your goals.

 Marital problems with your subconscious mind:

 The cause of all marital problems also has a close relationship with the subconscious mind. Marital dispute can be resolved by using the power of the mind correctly. Besides all marital problems there are also divorce cases and lawsuits and all that for their ignorance The ability of the subconscious mind to solve marital problems. In order for marriage to be real, it must be based on a simultaneous spiritual foundation. It must be from the heart, and each party must be honest and loyal to the other. A man cannot marry a woman for her money, social status, or to satisfy his lust. Because such a marriage is fake and is considered a big lie on both sides. There is a common mistake, which is discussing your marital problems with your neighbors and relatives. Suppose, for example, that a wife tells her neighbor that her husband does not give her money or treats her harshly. This wife reduces the value of her husband in front of neighbors and relatives, and thus They do not seem like a good husband. Relatives will always give you the wrong advice and you will be biased because he will not give it in a neutral or impersonal way. A husband or wife should not try to change his life partner to become a copy of him, and trying to change him is insulting and a statement of his unworthiness. 

Happiness with your subconscious mind:

 You may feel very happy because your son won the medal or that you won the lottery or that your father succeeded in his dangerous surgery. These things may make you happy, but it is temporary happiness and it will go away with the days. The freedom to choose happiness and this is very simple. People may not explain true happiness or not reach it because they run after causes of temporary happiness, but the greatest things in life are simple, effective and creative, and they also achieve true happiness. Of course, in order to be happy you have to know that there are moments Grief is also moments that leave you hanging at the bottom of the abyss and not finding happiness, but all of this will pass and you will become happy again as long as your life is simple and built on good values. Your subconscious mind plays an important role in the field of happiness because if you always think about frustration and failure, it will go Your subconscious mind is so frustrating and unsuccessful, but if you focus your thoughts on that tomorrow is better than today and that there is no obstacle without an end, then you will be happy.

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