real happiness


Pain is important in our lives:

 pain is as beneficial to us as we hate it. Pain is what teaches us things to pay attention to and helps us see what is good and what is bad. It helps us understand our limits and not cross them. However, pain is not only physical but Psychologically too (I think that's what you want me to talk about) Humans can live with psychological pain as well, and the truth is that researchers have found that our brain does not differentiate between physical pain and psychological pain. Like physical pain, psychological pain is an indication that something is out of balance. Or that there is a limit that has been crossed. In some cases, experiencing psychological pain can be healthy and beneficial. The source of danger in our societies is that they are looking for a life without pain or suffering, but this thing is impossible to happen because without pain, the human race often will not develop. The truth is that life is always pain.

 Solving problems brings happiness:

 Problems are a constant of life. Problems never end, but we replace them or let them fester. If you avoid your problems or feel as if you don't have any problems, you are on the way to make yourself miserable. The solution is to solve problems, not to have no problems in your life. We must have something Let's solve it until we are happy. So happiness is a form of action. It is an activity we do. It is not a magical thing. It comes to us when we are frustrated and you don't find it waiting for you lying around. It is not waiting for you anywhere, no idea or article. Happiness is a constantly progressing action because problem solving is a never-ending process. Today's problems create tomorrow's problems It's an endless cycle (you have to understand that there is no life without problems) and no matter how big or small your problem is, the idea remains the same: solving your problem you are happy, but there are people who spoil this thing in two ways:


 deny some People have problems in their lives, and since these deny reality, they distract their eyes and mind from their reality and try to enjoy everything, it will give them a good feeling at first, but with time this will lead to nervousness, insecurity and depression. 


 Some prefer to think about There is nothing they can do to solve their problems and they often blame others for their problems and lead them to a life of helplessness and permanent resentment. People deny their problems or blame others for the simple reason that this is an easy and relaxing path. 

True happiness is here:

True happiness requires a struggle for Here and it is the fruit of wrestling with problems. Joy does not sprout from the earth. We must gain a real, serious sense of the fullness and meaning of life through our choices and through the way we manage the conflicts we engage in daily. And whether you suffer from sadness, depression, misery or a bad manager. You have to accept your negative state and deal with it actively and not try to avoid it. Reaching your goal “Are you willing to bear this pain? The road to happiness is thorny and laden with problems and disappointments. You have to choose something, you have to choose the pain you want in your life. The question of happiness is very easy, but the interesting question is the question of pain?

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