mature teenager

 Perhaps I did not fully describe to you what adolescence is, but I tried as much as possible to show all the psychological aspects of adolescence such as his behavior with society and with himself and what are the crises he suffers in his life. I also said about how to help and support the teenager in this complex stage. And in the end, we will talk about how to overcome adolescence and become a mature, how to overcome random decisions and become the owner of correct decisions (most of the time) how to overcome confused thinking and become fully aware. In normal cases, when an individual lives normally, they are as follows: 1) a child 2) an adolescent 3) an adult This is only in normal cases, but in other cases one of these stages can be delayed or a person can stay in some stage forever and this depends on Education, treatment of society and psychological state.

Adolescent and adult:

 Perhaps life is hard on us and we do not know what is right from wrong. Well, I cannot judge a teenager as a way to reach maturity because adolescence is much more than that. You did not know what the consequences of your actions were except in adolescence, and you did not know what disappointment was except in your adolescence, and you did not know that reality is so harsh except in your adolescence. You learned a lot in your adolescence what you did not learn in your childhood and what you will not learn in your maturity. Everything has its time and appropriate place. Do not try to be mature in your adolescence or be a child in your adolescence. Adolescence is the testing stage. You test everything yourself and see what is right and what is. I assure you that there is no way to learn anything without experiencing it yourself. Adolescence decisions are for adolescence that they benefit the teen and harm others. The mature person sees that the teenager does not act with complete awareness and that his actions follow his personal desires, and I admit that this is true. The teenager walks according to his feelings and desires, but this is what suits the teenager to reach a stage where he sees that these values ​​​​no longer benefit him and that he must change them in order to It fits better with its surroundings. And then the adolescent learns from his experiences and finally becomes a conscious, aware and mature person. Being a teenager is very difficult, your values, your principles, your decisions, your whole life is under the roof of a hashish, so try to live your adolescence. In the end, you should know that whoever wrote these lines is still a teenager!!!!

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