teenage love

 I think it's a very interesting topic, right! But before we know teenage love we have to know what love is basically in our eyes. Love, my friends, is a beautiful emotion and just feeling it involuntarily releases the happiness hormone (dopamine) in an excessive manner. Believe me, it is a wonderful feeling, but what makes us so happy when we hear that love is dangerous, irrational and causes damage caused by the relationship. But we must know that love is a double-edged sword that can heal and hurt according to your awareness and the awareness of your partner in the relationship. From my personal point of view, there are two types of love: healthy love and unhealthy love. In adolescence, love is unhealthy in most cases, as I said previously Love is aware of both parties in the relationship, and since adolescence is the first years of love, it will certainly be (unhealthy). Perhaps you, teenager, read the article and say that I do not know anything about love and that the love you are experiencing is conscious and not harmful Well read the following So you know I'm right.

Teen Love:

 I will simplify to you what teen love is. Teenagers play a strategy (the victim and the savior), where the girls are the victims and the young men are the saviors (and it can also be reversed that the young man is the victim and the girl is the savior), each of them fleeing from their reality as a result of the pressures of society and other things I discussed in my previous topic. Girls want young men to solve their problems in everything, whether they are really the cause or not, because they are unable to solve their real problems, so young men are the most appropriate way out to escape from their problems, whether it is a small or big problem, and here comes the role of young people (rescuers) who also escape from Their current reality by solving the problems of the other side of the relationship, and thus the more problems they are able to solve, they receive more attention than the girl (and I remind you here that when young people no longer receive attention from their parents in childhood, they look for a new source of interest in order to receive attention And this source is in an emotional relationship). And later the relationship becomes very good, two people love each other madly and this brings problems and this solves those problems. It is really true love, but my friend who thinks that this relationship is successful, what will happen if the girl's problems end and the guy takes enough attention? I think you all know the answer, but I will tell you: the lack of interest on both sides will begin, and with time, that relationship will become sterile, devoid of love.

Unhealthy relationship: 

You know if the unhealthy relationship that teenagers think is love, but in fact each of them was escaping from their painful reality through a series of evasion, self-deception and other methods. You must know that no one will come and save you from your problems. You are the only one who faces them and you alone bear the consequences. There is no. Do not make him bear the consequences of his actions. You also evade your problems because they do not give you attention like the problems of your partner. Try to be responsible for your actions. This is in Life is such a thing as solve my problems and I will give you the attention you want You notice that it is commercial values ​​again Solve my problems and in exchange for solving each problem I will give you a kiss or say sweet words full of love. In any relationship, if you're trying to solve your partner's problems, you're wrong about yourself and your partner, because you're the only way to stay in love. I don't mean that you don't give attention or even give up on your partner out of teaching them responsibility, but at that time if either of you are having a problem, the best thing you can do for each other is to support each other, one of you should know that the other will not abandon him no matter what even if it is His problems are big. It is the best help to make him feel that he is not alone, but there is someone to support him and not to solve his problems instead of him. Try to support him with everything you have. This is healthy love because you were not in a relationship just for the sake of caring and solving problems, but for something greater than that, which is love The real one that is between you and usually this love is in the stage of mental maturity, the more aware you become, the more you realize what is the right behavior.

Some of the ideas for this article are inspired by the ideas of writer Mark Manson.

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